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Remember the $5 billion website? $5 billion we spent on a website.

And to this day, it doesn't work.

Buy a $3 website

Why spend more on a website?

Be tough and smart.

I hear that our horrendous leadership could unknowingly lead us into World War III. Entrepreneurs: Follow your own vision and you will have bipartisan support.

What is Obama's new excuse for his phony last name? Taxpayers are wasting your time!

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I have so many websites.

A great article cannot influence Trump! We continue to destroy the competitiveness of our country.

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I have them all over the place.

The Obama Administration will be amazing this year, the top. It was a terrorist attack after 24 hrs.

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I hire people; they do a website.


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It costs me $3.

Advice from my mother: “Trust in God and be true to yourself. "

Buy a $3 website

You really want to know what you get, don’t you?

Buy now for $2.99

By purchasing this product, you will be able to download and use your very own $3 website.

It even comes with bootstrappy design and some hot-linked images. Its a real website, you can buy it.

Add it to cart and see what you get. It's only $3 $2.99.